Importance of Decluttering Toys and Clothes Before the Holidays

Importance of Decluttering Toys and Clothes Before the Holidays

During the holiday season, it's inevitable that gifts will be given and received. When you host a party, guests often bring treats or small gifts, and if you have children, they are likely to receive holiday presents from friends and family. But how can you manage these new items and integrate them into an already organized home? The best way to be prepared is to start decluttering before the holiday season.

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Gift Bag Storage Ideas

Gift Bag Storage Ideas

During the holiday season (and birthdays, anniversaries, and so on) you are bound to receive gifts. Gifts for the children, gifts for the adults, hostess gifts and gifts from your family, friends and neighbors. This can result in an overabundance of gift bags. And if they are in good, reusable condition, then saving them for future use is a great idea. Reduce, reuse, recycle! But how do we go about storing these gift bags for the future? Following are a few tips and tricks to make it easy to reuse the gift bags. And remember, before you store them away, be sure to remove the gift card that came attached to the bag if it's already been personalized.

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Why I Love to Use Clear Storage Containers in the Pantry

Why I Love to Use Clear Storage Containers in the Pantry

The pantry is the workhorse of the kitchen holding your dry goods, your backstock of items (thank you, big box stores!), keeper of snacks, quick meals, and recipe basics. Many of us also keep non-edibles in our pantry, such as party supplies, paper towels, lunch boxes and water bottles.

Decanting your dry goods is one way to keep your pantry organized. It’s easy to know when it’s time to replace an item and it can help keep the contents fresher longer.

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Transformational Pantry Organization Hacks

Transformational Pantry Organization Hacks

Keeping your pantry organized and well-stocked is no easy! But one its done, and you have a full-proof system in place, keeping it tidy going forward will be a breeze. Unfortunately, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to pantry organization. One family might have young children or and another family might have a coffee connoisseur. Once you figure out the various zones that will work for your pantry, then it’s time to get down to business. You can use bins you already have or start from scratch with new containers. Keep reading for our best pantry hacks!

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3 Tips on How to Store Your Holiday Décor

3 Tips on How to Store Your Holiday Décor

Do you love to decorate for the holidays each fall? Does your entire family enjoy getting in on the action? Do the decorations put you in the mood to celebrate? From July 4th to Thanksgiving to Chanukah and Christmas, opportunities abound to decorate our homes seasonally. Do you know where to find your Valentine’s Day decorations? Or Halloween? And when you do find them, is everything well organized and ready to be hung up? Are the items in good condition? Do all the lightbulbs work? From colorful lights to beautiful garlands, it’s so easy to shove everything in a box and put it away until next year. But if you’re trying to live in a more simplified home, then it’s time for a better approach. Consider these tips to keep your holidays supplies organized and ready for next year:

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8 Simple Steps to Getting Ready for the Holidays

8 Simple Steps to Getting Ready for the Holidays

We are all so busy at this time of the year, so who has the time to read a long blog post on getting ready and staying organized for the holidays? No one! Keeping this short and sweet, here are my best tips on how to get prepared for the holidays.

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5 Steps to Getting Your Holiday Gifts Organized

5 Steps to Getting Your Holiday Gifts Organized

When the dust settles after the holidays, and you look around your home, you might be asking yourself “Where can I put all of this new stuff?” Well, the short answer is, you probably need to get rid of items in order to add all the new holiday gifts into your home. Let’s break down the steps together.

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