8 Simple Steps to Getting Ready for the Holidays


We are all so busy at this time of the year, so who has the time to read a long blog post on getting ready and staying organized for the holidays? No one! Keeping this short and sweet, here are my best tips on how to get prepared for the holidays.

Meal plan. Check out my blog for all the tips and tricks on meal planning.

Create a holiday to do list. Keep a list and update it as needed.

Shop early for gifts. Keep a list of recipients on your phone. When you find the perfect gift for them, cross them off the list.

Start planning party menus now. If you’re hosting a gathering, start working on your menu now. Serving tried-and-true recipes will help keep the stress level down.

Leave time for everyday activities. Self-care, time with your family, or time alone is important during this busy season.

Sort through toys if you’re expecting new ones. If you’ve got kids who will be receiving new toys in December, sort through their toys and donate anything they no longer use. If they are old enough, have your kids involved in the process.

Create a space for overnight guests. Do you dread the unexpected guests? Creating a space now will save any hassle when the doorbell unexpectedly rings!

Cook and freeze extra meals. Whether for unexpected guests or a particularly busy day in the life of your family, cooking and freezing a few meals is a great way to be able to feed people on short notice.

Remember, it’s okay to say no to an invitation for a cookie swap or dinner at a friend’s house if all you really want to do is relax with your family for an evening. But if you follow these 8 tips, you will be ready for the unexpected, your shopping and meal planning will be done early, and you’ll be available for those unexpected invites!

More Organizing Ideas

Need even more ideas on how to organize your home? Living. Simplified. is ready to help. Take a look at these blog posts or send us an email at lauren@livingsimplified.net and we can work together to reach your organizing and decluttering goals:

5 Steps to Organizing Your Family Room

It’s All About the Laundry Routine

How to Organize Important Papers