How to Declutter Your Master Bedroom in 10 Easy Steps

How to Declutter Your Master Bedroom in 10 Easy Steps

Decluttering and organizing your master bedroom will help create a more peaceful environment, one in which you can (hopefully!) get a great night of sleep, curl up with a good book, or just relax at the end of a busy day. This step-by-step guide is a great way to start your decluttering journey.

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One-Minute Habits to Start Doing Today

One-Minute Habits to Start Doing Today

Developing habits is key to keeping your home organized and decluttered on a daily basis. Why is that? Simple tasks like putting your clothing in your laundry basket or gathering the mail into one place each day can really make your home tidier and more enjoyable to live in. There’s nothing like coming home after a day of work and entering a space that is calming.

Developing these habits, which I like to call “One-Minute Habits” doesn’t happen overnight.

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How To Organizer Your College Closet and Dresser

How To Organizer Your College Closet and Dresser

If you’re lucky, you’ll have an actual full size closet in your dorm room. For others, you may only have an armoire, like pictured above. Definitely not a lot of space to keep your clothes! These tips and tricks are great for organizing your dorm closet or armoire. And they’re also handy for anyone who has a small closet, whether you live in a dorm, an apartment, or an old home with small closets.

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Kids' Room Organization Product Guide

Kids' Room Organization Product Guide

Now that you’ve been working on decluttering your kids’ bedrooms and playrooms, now is the time to determine if you need to purchase any products to help keep the organizing systems in place. Here are a few of Living. Simplified.’s favorite products.

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Your Guide to Kids’ Room Organization

Your Guide to Kids’ Room Organization

The best way to teach your kids life-long organizing skills is to start early. Whether it’s putting the socks in the right drawer or placing toys back in the appropriate bin, these simple tasks can lead to a life-long habit of staying organized. In the long run, having organized spaces for your kids, whether they have their own bedroom or share one, will save you time in the long run. Imagine spending less time searching your home for the soccer cleats/permission slip/cell phone/favorite jeans because you and your child know exactly where they are. Sounds dreamy, right?

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How To Display and Store Sentimental Items

How To Display and Store Sentimental Items

There comes a time in each of our lives where we wake up and realize that our homes are full of stuff…unwanted items that have been passed down to us, given as gifts, once had sentimental value but no longer do. These items accumulate over time, usually because we are just too busy to set aside the time to go through the endless boxes to see what we’ve been saving all these years.

When you’re ready to declutter the items from the basement, garage, back of your closet and under your bed, no doubt you will enjoy the walk down memory lane for many items and wonder why you’ve been saving others. Then you’ll be ready to do the hard work. Decide what to save and what to let go of.

For the items that you want to save, it’s important to store and display them in a safe manner so they can be passed down to the next generation. Following is a list of our favorite items:

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Holiday Décor Storage Product Guide

Holiday Décor Storage Product Guide

The most recent holiday is over and it’s time to take down the holiday decorations. But where should it all go? Were the lights in a bin in the garage and the tablecloths and kitchen towels in the basement? Did you have to search the house high and low for everything you needed? If so, it’s time for you to implement a better solution on how to store your holiday décor. Lucky for you, we have all the best tips gathered here.

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The 6 Best Closet Organizers

The 6 Best Closet Organizers

Closets in the home come in all shapes and sizes. From the master bedroom closet to the narrow linen closet in the hallway, and everything in between, there are tools to help make closet organization easy for you. Before purchasing any organizing products, be sure that you have completely decluttered your closets and that you are only keeping the items you want.

These are just a few of Living. Simplified.’s favorite items to help you organize your closets. Be sure to check the measurements before ordering!

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