Stylish Ways to Display Your Bookshelves

Stylish Ways to Display Your Bookshelves

Displaying your books and collectibles in an attractive and uncluttered manner is something that anyone can accomplish with just a few hours over the weekend. If you’re ready to transform your bookshelves, keep reading for our best tips and tricks.

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One-Minute Habits to Start Doing Today

One-Minute Habits to Start Doing Today

Developing habits is key to keeping your home organized and decluttered on a daily basis. Why is that? Simple tasks like putting your clothing in your laundry basket or gathering the mail into one place each day can really make your home tidier and more enjoyable to live in. There’s nothing like coming home after a day of work and entering a space that is calming.

Developing these habits, which I like to call “One-Minute Habits” doesn’t happen overnight.

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Your Guide to Kids’ Room Organization

Your Guide to Kids’ Room Organization

The best way to teach your kids life-long organizing skills is to start early. Whether it’s putting the socks in the right drawer or placing toys back in the appropriate bin, these simple tasks can lead to a life-long habit of staying organized. In the long run, having organized spaces for your kids, whether they have their own bedroom or share one, will save you time in the long run. Imagine spending less time searching your home for the soccer cleats/permission slip/cell phone/favorite jeans because you and your child know exactly where they are. Sounds dreamy, right?

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7 Tips to Getting Your Photos Organized

7 Tips to Getting Your Photos Organized

Everyone I know has a box (or two, or three) of photos in their home that are uncategorized and jumbled together. Chances are, they aren’t stored safely which can lead to fading and damage due to mold and mildew. If the photos are worthy of being saved, then they need to be taken care of properly.

Keep these tips in mind as you go through the albums and boxes of photos.

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How To Display and Store Sentimental Items

How To Display and Store Sentimental Items

There comes a time in each of our lives where we wake up and realize that our homes are full of stuff…unwanted items that have been passed down to us, given as gifts, once had sentimental value but no longer do. These items accumulate over time, usually because we are just too busy to set aside the time to go through the endless boxes to see what we’ve been saving all these years.

When you’re ready to declutter the items from the basement, garage, back of your closet and under your bed, no doubt you will enjoy the walk down memory lane for many items and wonder why you’ve been saving others. Then you’ll be ready to do the hard work. Decide what to save and what to let go of.

For the items that you want to save, it’s important to store and display them in a safe manner so they can be passed down to the next generation. Following is a list of our favorite items:

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8 Simple Steps to Getting Ready for the Holidays

8 Simple Steps to Getting Ready for the Holidays

We are all so busy at this time of the year, so who has the time to read a long blog post on getting ready and staying organized for the holidays? No one! Keeping this short and sweet, here are my best tips on how to get prepared for the holidays.

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My Favorite Family Room Organizing Tools

My Favorite Family Room Organizing Tools

Whether your family room is country chic or ultra-modern, keeping the family room clutter-free can be a challenge. Why? Because most family rooms serve more than one function. From game room to reading nook, from home office to home gym, the family room is one of the most used spaces in our homes.

Following is a list of useful items to help you keep your family room organized. Whatever your décor, you can always find something to coordinate with what you already have. Use these products as the starting point to get your family room organized and looking the way you want it to look.

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5 Steps to Organizing Your Family Room

5 Steps to Organizing Your Family Room

Keeping the family room organized on a daily basis can be a challenge. Why? Because the space often has multiple functions: watching tv, doing homework, socializing with friends and family, game nights, paying bills. Maybe you also eat in your family room or use the space to exercise. Maybe your family room has a pile of mail on the coffee table, a stack of magazines that need reading, and a bin of kids’ toys? With so many functions, it’s no surprise that the family room is no longer used for a place to relax after a busy day.

By following a few simple rules, you can get your family room in shape in just a matter of a few hours.

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