One-Minute Habits to Start Doing Today

Developing habits is key to keeping your home organized and decluttered on a daily basis. Why is that? Simple tasks like putting your clothing in your laundry basket or gathering the mail into one place each day can really make your home tidier and more enjoyable to live in. There’s nothing like coming home after a day of work and entering a space that is calming.

Developing these habits, which I like to call “One-Minute Habits” doesn’t happen overnight. Just like brushing your teeth each morning or making your coffee or bringing in the mail, habits take time to develop. With a commitment from yourself, I know you can make even just a few small changes this month that will have big effects on your lifestyle.

One of my favorite techniques to adding new habits into your daily routine is by attaching a new habit to one that already exists. For example, you might already clear your dinner dishes after a meal, but the next day, your sink is piled high with the mess from cooking the previous night. Your new habit to develop is putting the dirty dishes directly into the dishwasher and scrubbing the pots and pans you used to create your meal. Your goal? Add this habit on one night this week, and two nights the following week, and continue until you’ve done this every night for seven days. The results? I have no doubt you’ll feel good about waking up each morning to a clean kitchen. Be sure to get the entire family involved!

Here are some of my favorite one-minute habits that you might want to incorporate into your lifestyle to help you live in the uncluttered and organized home that you want.

More Organizing Ideas

Need even more ideas on how to organize your home? Living. Simplified. is ready to help. Take a look at these blog posts or send us an email at and we can work together to reach your organizing and decluttering goals:

How to Organize Your Kitchen in 4 Easy Steps

How To Start Organizing Your Garage

8 Steps for Quick and Easy Menu Planning