Pantry Edit: 6 Things to Toss Right Now
/Having a pantry in or near your kitchen is a great way to keep your food organized. Whether your pantry is a small cabinet or a full walk-in, it’s important to keep it decluttered and well-organized so everyone in the home can easily find what they’re looking for. A tidy pantry also prevents you from buying duplicates when menu planning and makes putting away groceries a breeze. But over time, pantries can become cluttered and chaotic, leading to wasted food and unnecessary purchases. Ready to whip your pantry into shape? Here’s the Living. Simplified. checklist of what to toss immediately:
Read MoreHow to Organize Your Refrigerator
/Having a well-organized refrigerator has many benefits:
You know exactly where to look to find what you need
When you menu plan, it’s easy to determine what you need to purchase
You’ll have less waste because you’ll eat the leftovers, you’ll know what foods you have, and food won’t spoil
Pantry Organization Product Guide
/Having a pantry with easy-to-access food items is a dream come true for many home cooks. Be sure to edit your pantry and then determine what additional storage and organizational items you may need. Below are some of the Living. Simplified. favorite items. Be sure to measure and add labels where you can.
Read MoreTransformational Pantry Organization Hacks
/Keeping your pantry organized and well-stocked is no easy! But one its done, and you have a full-proof system in place, keeping it tidy going forward will be a breeze. Unfortunately, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to pantry organization. One family might have young children or and another family might have a coffee connoisseur. Once you figure out the various zones that will work for your pantry, then it’s time to get down to business. You can use bins you already have or start from scratch with new containers. Keep reading for our best pantry hacks!
Read MoreKitchen Organization Product Guide
/Now that the holiday season is over, it’s a great time to review what worked in your kitchen (and what didn’t) as you hosted family meals and your kitchen was the real workhorse of your home. Even if you didn’t host guests, over the past two years you’ve probably spent more time in your kitchen then you have in years! Chances are, your kitchen can use a refresh. Following are a list of some of Living. Simplified.’s favorite products to help you keep your kitchen organized.
Read MoreHow to Organize a Large Kitchen Drawer in 5 Easy Steps
/I don’t know about you, but in my kitchen, I have several large drawers where items collect, move around when the drawer is opened and closed, and generally annoys everyone in our home. I see this exact type of situation in the kitchens of many of my clients.
Read More8 Simple Steps to Getting Ready for the Holidays
/We are all so busy at this time of the year, so who has the time to read a long blog post on getting ready and staying organized for the holidays? No one! Keeping this short and sweet, here are my best tips on how to get prepared for the holidays.
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