How to Organize Your Refrigerator

Having a well-organized refrigerator has many benefits:

  • You know exactly where to look to find what you need

  • When you menu plan, it’s easy to determine what you need to purchase

  • You’ll have less waste because you’ll eat the leftovers, you’ll know what foods you have, and food won’t spoil

So, how do you organize your refrigerator? There are many options to choose from and it might take some trial and error to figure out what works best for your family. Here are some of the ideas to consider as you embark on organizing your refrigerator.

When you’re ready to get started, pull everything out of the fridge, wipe down all the shelves, throw away anything that is expired or that won’t be eaten. Once that is done, you should be left only with the food and drinks that you and your family will consume. Now that you’ve completed these steps, read on for our best tips on how to organize your refrigerator.

  1. Prioritize the foods you and your family eat most frequently.

  2. Categorize items into groups such as drinks, fruits, vegetables, condiments and kids snacks.

  3. Use clear acrylic storage bins to contain items.

  4. When you buy something new, be sure to place it behind the older items. You should also be using this technique in your pantry.

  5. Keep perishables front and center so they will be eaten right away.

How to Best Utilize the Refrigerator Shelves, Door & Drawers

Generally, the door and top shelf of your refrigerator are warmer than the bottom shelves and drawers. Take this into account when deciding where to store your foods. Condiments are best kept in the door while non-dairy products should be kept on the top shelves. Meats and milk should be kept on the lower (colder) shelves. The drawers are perfect for your fruits and vegetables. Be sure to read the manufacturer instructions for your refrigerator so you know how to properly adjust the humidity levels to best care for your fresh produce.

More Organizing Ideas

Need even more ideas on how to organize your home? Living. Simplified. is ready to help. Take a look at these blog posts or send us an email at and we can work together to reach your organizing and decluttering goals:

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