How to Organize a Large Kitchen Drawer in 5 Easy Steps

Kitchen Drawer After.JPG

I don’t know about you, but in my kitchen, I have several large drawers where items collect, move around when the drawer is opened and closed, and generally annoys everyone in our home. I see this exact type of situation in the kitchens of many of my clients.

Do you have one of these drawers that you’re ready to tackle? Let’s get to it!

Step 1: Completely empty the drawer and review everything you have. Remove any duplicates, unused or broken items.

Step 2: Group like items together. For example, maybe you have a nylon and silicone pastry brush. These create a group. Maybe you have a few accessories for opening wine and beer bottles. Another group. When you finish this process, you will be able to determine how many dividers you will need in your drawer to accommodate all the items that you want to keep.

Step 3: Now the fun begins! It’s time to shop online for drawer dividers. I’m a big fan of bamboo (here’s the one I used). Before you make the purchase, be sure to measure your drawer and compare it to the measurements of the drawer dividers. I was surprised at how many DIDN’T fit in this drawer because they were either too long or too short.

Step 4: While you are waiting for your purchase to arrive, take a photo on your cell phone of the categories you made. You’ll need this to refer to when the items arrive. Meanwhile, wipe down the drawer with a damp sponge and put all the items back in the drawer. Hopefully there are far fewer items than when you started!

Step 5: Install the dividers, place your items in the appropriate spot, and voila! You’re done!

I hope your drawer stays nicely organized going forward!

Check out my Instagram Reel where I used bamboo drawer dividers to organize this kitchen drawer!