Transformational Pantry Organization Hacks
/*Image used with client permission. Newfields, NH
Keeping your pantry organized and well-stocked is not easy! But one it’s done, and you have a full-proof system in place, keeping it tidy going forward will be a breeze. Unfortunately, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to pantry organization. One family might have young children (tip: keep snacks on a low shelf so your children have easy access) and another family might have a coffee connoisseur with specific pantry needs (tip: dedicate a shelf to all of your coffee flavors and supplies).
Once you figure out the various zones that will work for your pantry, then it’s time to get down to business. You can use bins you already have or start from scratch with new containers. Keep reading for our best pantry hacks!
Getting Your Pantry Ready for Organization
Declutter your pantry. First and foremost, declutter your pantry and asses what you have and what you need to restock. Remove all items that are expired and throw them away. Next, donate any items that are still good but your family won’t eat to your local food bank.
Group like items together. This is the first step in creating zones within your pantry. Zones will help you know exactly where items belong. Zones can be based on food items (salty, sweet, kids snacks, nuts, baking, breakfast) or non-food items (water bottles, paper goods, lunch boxes). Once you have removed all the items from your pantry and grouped like items together, take a look at your inventory and add anything you might need to your grocery list.
Wipe down your shelves. Just like a painter, you want to start with a clean canvas. Wipe down your pantry shelves and sweep the floor.
Use temporary labels. Using sticky notes, write down each of your zones, place them on your empty shelves. Move the notes around until you are happy with your placement.
Once these steps are done, you are ready to consider what types of bins and organizational tools your pantry needs to be the best it can be for you and your family. Get your tape measure, a pad of paper and a pen and then put items back into the pantry where they belong. Now you are ready to adjust the location of your items, determine what kinds of items you need to purchase, and start measuring your space.
Transformational Pantry Organization Hacks
Invest in clear storage bins. You’ll know exactly what you have at a glance. If that’s not important to you, there are a variety of beautiful bins available in stores.
Add tiered shelving. If you have a lot of canned goods in your pantry, tiered shelving will allow you to easily see what’s in the back of the shelf without having to pull everything out.
Decant your snacks and other pantry staples. Using air-tight and water-proof containers will help keep your products fresher longer.
Make use of the inside of your pantry door. If space allows, this is a great way to add additional storage. Keep your frequently used items in this easy-to-access location.
Use stackable, open-faced bins. These bins are great for storing individually sized snacks like granola bars and fruit snacks. The sides are tall enough to hold the items and the window in the front easily allows you to see what’s inside.
Use lazy-Susan’s. These are great for those hard-to-access corners in your pantry.
Water bottle rack. A rack will prevent your water bottles from rolling around on the shelf and it helps to keep the lids with the correct bottle.
Use can racks. If your family eats a significant amount of canned goods then using racks will help keep each type of food organized and visible.
Drawer dividers. If your pantry has drawers, expandable or spring-loaded dividers will help keep the drawer well organized.
Add a wall hook or two. These are great to hold aprons, reusable grocery bags, a broom and a mop.
Don’t forget the floor. If you have limited space, then you’ll need to use the floor of your pantry to hold bulkier items, like full bags of chips, rolls of paper towels and bottles of water. Look for large, oversized bins that will fit in the space allotted. And if they have wheels for easy access, even better.
Invest in a collapsible step stool. And keep it in your pantry. so you can easily access high shelves.
Keep a pad of paper and pen in your pantry. As soon as you notice you’re running low on an item, add it to your grocery list.
Label everything. This will help your entire family know where items are located and help them know where to return items to when they are done with them or unpacking the groceries.
As you’re planning your pantry, the shelving in the middle is your “golden zone.” Put the items you use most frequently front and center in your pantry for easy accessibility. Heavier items should be towards the floor and infrequently used items should be placed on the upper shelves. Be flexible with your categories and don’t get too specific. Tastes will change over time and so will your placement of items.
More Organizing Ideas
Need even more ideas on how to organize your home? Living. Simplified. is ready to help. Take a look at these blog posts or send us an email at and we can work together to reach your organizing and decluttering goals:
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