Tackling Storage Spaces: The Basement

Tackling Storage Spaces: The Basement

Is your basement crowded with boxes, old furniture and other assorted odds and ends, but now you want the space to be more functional? Sometimes it's hard to get started when rethinking your space. 

Before embarking on your basement organization project, it's important to take note of what is safe (and not safe) to store in your basement. Because basements have a tendency to be damp, you should avoid storing anything in cardboard boxes. Using plastic bins with secure tops will not only help to avoid mold and mildew, but they will also help to keep out any unwanted critters.

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Attic Organization Product Guide

Attic Organization Product Guide

Once you’ve completed the decluttering and organizing process in your attic, it’s time to purchase organizing supplies if you think it’s necessary. Since the attic is a space that guests aren’t seeing, it’s key here to use items that are useful and not necessarily the most beautiful. Here are a few of Living. Simplified.’s favorite products.

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Daring to Downsize: You can’t take it all with you!

Daring to Downsize: You can’t take it all with you!

The proof is in the numbers. Did you know that the average home contains 200,000 to 300,000 items? Shocking, I know. But just take a look around you. Your kitchen has plates, cups, eating utensils, serving dishes, cookware, small appliances and so much more. Your home office has all the paper files you’ve collected over the years. Closets are filled to the brim with clothes, shoes and accessories. And then there are toys, sports equipment, home improvement items, craft items, seasonal home décor and so much more. When you really think about it, 200,000 items in the home doesn’t seem so far-fetched after all.

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How to Host a Yard Sale

How to Host a Yard Sale

Spring is in the air, we’ve spent time decluttering, and now we must decide what to do with all of our unwanted items. Maybe during your decluttering process, you’ve sold a few items and donated others. But if your collection of unwanted items is large, trying to offload pieces one by one can be very time consuming. Enter the yard sale!

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Kids' Room Organization Product Guide

Kids' Room Organization Product Guide

Now that you’ve been working on decluttering your kids’ bedrooms and playrooms, now is the time to determine if you need to purchase any products to help keep the organizing systems in place. Here are a few of Living. Simplified.’s favorite products.

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Your Guide to Kids’ Room Organization

Your Guide to Kids’ Room Organization

The best way to teach your kids life-long organizing skills is to start early. Whether it’s putting the socks in the right drawer or placing toys back in the appropriate bin, these simple tasks can lead to a life-long habit of staying organized. In the long run, having organized spaces for your kids, whether they have their own bedroom or share one, will save you time in the long run. Imagine spending less time searching your home for the soccer cleats/permission slip/cell phone/favorite jeans because you and your child know exactly where they are. Sounds dreamy, right?

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Our Favorite Garage Organization Products

Our Favorite Garage Organization Products

Want to get your garage in tip-top shape? Having the right organizational products will help you reach your goal quickly and even better, you’ll be able to find what you need when you need it. Here are a few of Living. Simplified.’s favorite garage organization tools.

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One Client’s Journey to a Functional Garage

One Client’s Journey to a Functional Garage

From the time John and Jane* bought their suburban Boston home over 25 years ago, they never parked in their detached one-car garage. The garage stored toys for their kids, items for their business, tools and supplies for their lawn and gardens, and extra supplies for their home. So begins the story of why they hired Living. Simplified. to come in and help clear out their 142-year-old garage.

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