How to Organize Your Office in 5 Easy Steps

How to Organize Your Office in 5 Easy Steps

Did you know that you can improve your efficiency and productivity by working in a well organized office? Whether you work from home or in an outside office, learning how you can organize your workspace to become more effective at what you do is a game changer. Here are some of our favorite tips.

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Attic Organization Product Guide

Attic Organization Product Guide

Once you’ve completed the decluttering and organizing process in your attic, it’s time to purchase organizing supplies if you think it’s necessary. Since the attic is a space that guests aren’t seeing, it’s key here to use items that are useful and not necessarily the most beautiful. Here are a few of Living. Simplified.’s favorite products.

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Your Complete Guide to Attic Storage

Your Complete Guide to Attic Storage

Is it Safe to Store Items in the Attic? Storage is often at a premium in our homes, so we are tempted to take advantage of every bit of space we have, including the attic. When you’re organizing your home or getting in the spring-cleaning mood, it’s very tempting to put off the decision-making process (should I keep or discard this?) by stashing items in your attic. Out-of-sight, out-of-mind, right? Well, not really because you know what’s up in your attic even if you can’t quite find that one particular item you’re looking for.

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Kids' Room Organization Product Guide

Kids' Room Organization Product Guide

Now that you’ve been working on decluttering your kids’ bedrooms and playrooms, now is the time to determine if you need to purchase any products to help keep the organizing systems in place. Here are a few of Living. Simplified.’s favorite products.

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How To Display and Store Sentimental Items

How To Display and Store Sentimental Items

There comes a time in each of our lives where we wake up and realize that our homes are full of stuff…unwanted items that have been passed down to us, given as gifts, once had sentimental value but no longer do. These items accumulate over time, usually because we are just too busy to set aside the time to go through the endless boxes to see what we’ve been saving all these years.

When you’re ready to declutter the items from the basement, garage, back of your closet and under your bed, no doubt you will enjoy the walk down memory lane for many items and wonder why you’ve been saving others. Then you’ll be ready to do the hard work. Decide what to save and what to let go of.

For the items that you want to save, it’s important to store and display them in a safe manner so they can be passed down to the next generation. Following is a list of our favorite items:

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10 Steps to Going Through Sentimental Clutter

10 Steps to Going Through Sentimental Clutter

When I asked my email subscribers (sign up here if you’re not on the list!) what their biggest struggle is when it comes to decluttering, the most common answer by far was struggling with decluttering sentimental items.

Mementos. Sentimental items. Memorabilia. Whatever the name, sometimes we hold onto these items because they truly make us happy.

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Step by Step Process: How to Organize Important Papers

Step by Step Process: How to Organize Important Papers

Making the decision to get your household paper organized is a great idea, and one that takes some time and effort, especially at the beginning. There are a few tools that you should have handy while organizing your paper: sticky notes to label the categories as you sort; a pen to label the sticky notes; large empty boxes (label one for recycling and one for shredding); a table or other space that you can work on during the organizing process. Once you have completed the steps outlined below, you can then decide if you need to purchase folders, bins or a cabinet to hold what you decide to keep.

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