Your Complete Guide to Attic Storage

Your Complete Guide to Attic Storage

Is it Safe to Store Items in the Attic? Storage is often at a premium in our homes, so we are tempted to take advantage of every bit of space we have, including the attic. When you’re organizing your home or getting in the spring-cleaning mood, it’s very tempting to put off the decision-making process (should I keep or discard this?) by stashing items in your attic. Out-of-sight, out-of-mind, right? Well, not really because you know what’s up in your attic even if you can’t quite find that one particular item you’re looking for.

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7 Tips to Getting Your Photos Organized

7 Tips to Getting Your Photos Organized

Everyone I know has a box (or two, or three) of photos in their home that are uncategorized and jumbled together. Chances are, they aren’t stored safely which can lead to fading and damage due to mold and mildew. If the photos are worthy of being saved, then they need to be taken care of properly.

Keep these tips in mind as you go through the albums and boxes of photos.

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