How to Declutter Your Master Bedroom in 10 Easy Steps

Decluttering and organizing your master bedroom will help create a more peaceful environment, one in which you can (hopefully!) get a great night of sleep, curl up with a good book, or just relax at the end of a busy day. This step-by-step guide is a great way to start your decluttering journey.

Set a goal: Determine what you want to achieve with your decluttering project. It could be creating more space, reducing visual distractions, or simply improving the overall tidiness of your master bedroom.

Plan and schedule: Break down the decluttering process into smaller tasks and create a schedule. Seriously. Put an appointment in your calendar and stick to it. Whether you choose an hour a day or six hours on a Saturday afternoon. Don’t let other activities interfere with the project.

Sort and categorize: Start by sorting your belongings into categories such as clothes, books, electronics, bedding, and décor. By doing this, you will see just how much you have of each items. Then you can decide what to keep, donate, or discard. You should also have a bin labeled “relocate”. Use this as a temporary space to put items that you have found in your bedroom but belong elsewhere in your home.

Declutter your wardrobe: Begin with your closet and then follow these same steps in your dresser. Take out all your clothes, sort them by category, and assess each item individually. Ask yourself if you still wear it, if it fits properly, and if it brings you joy. Donate or sell the clothes that no longer serve you.

Clear surfaces and nightstands: Gather all the items on flat surfaces such as dressers, nightstands, or shelves. If something doesn’t belong in your master bedroom, then put it in the “Relocate” bin. For the remaining items, decide what you want to keep, where the items should be kept, and what can be discarded. Consider using storage containers or organizers in your drawers to keep smaller items tidy.

Organize your storage spaces: Evaluate your storage areas, such as drawers and shelves. Use dividers, bins, or baskets to keep similar items together and make them easily accessible. Just keep in mind that it’s wasteful to organize items you don’t actually want to keep!

Minimize decorations and knick-knacks: In order to maintain a calm and peaceful environment in your bedroom, keep decorations to a minimum to avoid visual clutter. Select a few meaningful items and display them tastefully.

Manage cables and electronics: Tidy up any cables or cords that may be visible. Use cable clips, ties, or cable management boxes to keep them organized and hidden. Also, consider reducing the number of electronics in your bedroom for a more restful atmosphere. And be sure to turn off your screens at least ten minutes before you are ready to go to sleep.

Create a system for incoming items: Establish a routine for handling new items that come into your bedroom. Consider following the “one in, one out” rule in your master bedroom. If you bring in a new set of bed sheets, then donate an old set. This can be followed for clothing, books, jewelry or any other item in your bedroom. The goal is to keep control of the chaos by not allowing unwanted and unneeded items to accumulate.

Periodic maintenance: Once you have taken the time to declutter and organize, commit to maintaining the space going forward. Put things back in their designated places right away, avoid accumulating unnecessary items, and schedule periodic decluttering sessions to prevent clutter from building up again.

Remember, decluttering is a personal process, and it may take time to complete. Be patient with yourself and celebrate the progress you make along the way.

More Organizing Ideas

Need even more ideas on how to organize your home? Living. Simplified. is ready to help. Take a look at these blog posts or send us an email at and we can work together to reach your organizing and decluttering goals:

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