Embracing the 20/20 Decluttering Rule

Like other decluttering rules, the 20/20 decluttering rule is a guideline to help you get your home decluttered and organized and teaches you how to maintain your decluttered home going forward. Specifically, the 20/20 rule maintains that if you can replace an item for under $20 in less than 20 minutes, then it's an item you can easily discard from your home. Of course, this rule can be flexible depending on your comfort level. The key with this rule is to use it for items that are not a regular part of your everyday living. For example, if you find a cord and you don't know what electronic device it belongs to, is it worth keeping it in a box or is it okay to recycle it and purchase a new one if you eventually discover the device it belongs to.

This is an excellent rule to help you when you are decluttering items throughout your home, whether it's the master bedroom closet, kitchen utensils, or books on your shelf. Decluttering takes time and effort and it's helpful to have rules to guide you as you are making the decision as to what to keep and what to discard. It's important to keep in mind a variety of guidelines as you are decluttering asking yourself the appropriate questions to guide you through the decision-making process.

Another one of my favorite rules, to be used once the decluttering process is complete, is the "one in, one out" rule. This guideline is in place to help you maintain your newly decluttered spaces going forward and you won't have to do a deep declutter of your home every year. If you purchase a new winter coat, then donate the one from last year. If you buy a new saucepan because your old one is scratched, then discard the old one and enjoy the new one. As you and your family members keep this rule in mind, you'll always be able to find the items you are looking for because you aren't surrounded by the clutter you no longer need.

Remember, when making the decisions as to what to keep and what to discard, it's okay to have a small "maybe" pile. If you're finding it's hard to decide on an item using the 20/20 rule, set it aside and revisit it later in the day. Ask yourself if you can easily replace it, if it's something you enjoy, and if it's something that is useful in your home.

More Organizing Ideas

Need even more ideas on how to organize your home? Living. Simplified. is ready to help. Take a look at these blog posts or send us an email at lauren@livingsimplified.net and we can work together to reach your organizing and decluttering goals:

One-Minute Habits to Start Doing Today

Questions to Ask Yourself When Decluttering or Downsizing

10 Steps to Going Through Sentimental Clutter