3 Tips on How to Store Your Holiday Décor


Do you love to decorate for the holidays each fall? Does your entire family enjoy getting in on the action? Do the decorations put you in the mood to celebrate? From July 4th to Thanksgiving to Chanukah and Christmas, opportunities abound to decorate our homes seasonally. Do you know where to find your Valentine’s Day decorations? Or Halloween? And when you do find them, is everything well organized and ready to be hung up? Are the items in good condition? Do all the lightbulbs work?

From colorful lights to beautiful garlands, it’s so easy to shove everything in a box and put it away until next year. But if you’re trying to live in a more simplified home, then it’s time for a better approach. Consider these tips to keep your holidays supplies organized and ready for next year:

Sort your decorations by holiday. In the long run, it will be much more efficient for you to store your decorations for each holiday in a separate bin. If you know exactly what is in the bin, you can pull out only that one bin and use everything in it to decorate your home for the holiday. And when it’s time to take down the decorations, you’ll know exactly where they go (and you’ll have the appropriate wrapping supplies already in the box!).

Use the appropriate storage bins. If you have bins in your home that are empty, use them for your holiday decorations! If you’re going shopping, be sure to find a bin that can hold everything you need. Keep in mind that you may be using bubble wrap to keep delicate items safe. And be aware of the environment where you are storing items. If your basement is damp, store your items in plastic bins and not cardboard boxes.

Label. Label. Label. Even if you’re using clear bins, be sure to label the exterior of the bin so you know which holiday decorations are tucked away inside. Want to go the extra mile? Write a mini-inventory of what’s in each box and keep it inside. Download the FREE Living. Simplified. Holiday Décor Inventory List to put inside each bin. In the long run, it will save you from opening multiple boxes each time you’re looking for items.

Over the next 12 months, after each holiday, grab a bin, make a label, and wrap and store your décor properly. It will make next years’ decorating that much easier!

More Organizing Ideas

Need even more ideas on how to organize your home? Living. Simplified. is ready to help. Take a look at these blog posts or send us an email at lauren@livingsimplified.net and we can work together to reach your organizing and decluttering goals:

5 Steps to Organizing Your Family Room

The Ultimate Guide to Organizing Your Master Bedroom Closet

15 Minutes to an Organized Home