7 Fun Uses for Tea Towels

7 Fun Uses for Tea Towels

Tea towels are a fun way to bring color and pattern into your kitchen. Their uses go far beyond being used to clean up a kitchen spill or to wipe your hands after washing. In my own kitchen, I keep a clean tea towel on the loop of my apron for quick and easy access when I am cooking. But there are so many other uses, both decorative and practical, that you can consider in your own home.

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What Can and Cannot Be Stored Under the Kitchen Sink

What Can and Cannot Be Stored Under the Kitchen Sink

Leaks happen, which is why you need to be really thoughtful about what is stored beneath your kitchen sink. So, what can be safely stored under the sink and what needs to be stored elsewhere in your kitchen? Read on for our guidelines on what is safe (and not so safe) to store under the kitchen sink.

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How to Organize Your Refrigerator

How to Organize Your Refrigerator

Having a well-organized refrigerator has many benefits:

  • You know exactly where to look to find what you need

  • When you menu plan, it’s easy to determine what you need to purchase

  • You’ll have less waste because you’ll eat the leftovers, you’ll know what foods you have, and food won’t spoil

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How to Organize a Small Pantry

How to Organize a Small Pantry

If you have a pantry, no matter how big or small it is, chances are it’s the true workhorse of your kitchen. Most likely it is holding your bulk purchases, unopened foods, small kitchen appliances and so much more. If you do have a small, closet style pantry, then it’s imperative to make it work for you. How do you make your pantry work for you and your family? Follow these steps and you’ll be well on your way to a functional pantry.

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Pantry Organization Product Guide

Pantry Organization Product Guide

Having a pantry with easy-to-access food items is a dream come true for many home cooks. Be sure to edit your pantry and then determine what additional storage and organizational items you may need. Below are some of the Living. Simplified. favorite items. Be sure to measure and add labels where you can.

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Why I Love to Use Clear Storage Containers in the Pantry

Why I Love to Use Clear Storage Containers in the Pantry

The pantry is the workhorse of the kitchen holding your dry goods, your backstock of items (thank you, big box stores!), keeper of snacks, quick meals, and recipe basics. Many of us also keep non-edibles in our pantry, such as party supplies, paper towels, lunch boxes and water bottles.

Decanting your dry goods is one way to keep your pantry organized. It’s easy to know when it’s time to replace an item and it can help keep the contents fresher longer.

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Transformational Pantry Organization Hacks

Transformational Pantry Organization Hacks

Keeping your pantry organized and well-stocked is no easy! But one its done, and you have a full-proof system in place, keeping it tidy going forward will be a breeze. Unfortunately, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to pantry organization. One family might have young children or and another family might have a coffee connoisseur. Once you figure out the various zones that will work for your pantry, then it’s time to get down to business. You can use bins you already have or start from scratch with new containers. Keep reading for our best pantry hacks!

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Pantry Essentials

Pantry Essentials

Ever wonder what a fully-stocked pantry should have? Do you find yourself frequently out of a certain item? Key to having an organized pantry is knowing what you have and where it is located. Using bins, clear containers for decanting items and labeling as much as possible are techniques that will all help you towards having and maintaining a fully functioning pantry.

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