Paper Clutter: What to Keep

Paper Clutter: What to Keep

It’s so easy for paper clutter to accumulate in our homes, whether it’s in the kitchen, the home office, the nightstand or our kid’s rooms. So often, paper accumulates because we don’t know what paper we should keep, what should be shredded or recycled, and how long we should keep certain papers. This handy guide is a great start to your paper organizing journey. The hardest part will be getting started and then going through ALL the paper. But once you have a system in place, it will be easy to maintain going forward.

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5 Steps to Getting Your Holiday Gifts Organized

5 Steps to Getting Your Holiday Gifts Organized

When the dust settles after the holidays, and you look around your home, you might be asking yourself “Where can I put all of this new stuff?” Well, the short answer is, you probably need to get rid of items in order to add all the new holiday gifts into your home. Let’s break down the steps together.

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