5 Steps to Organizing Your Family Room


Keeping the family room organized on a daily basis can be a challenge. Why? Because the space often has multiple functions: watching tv, doing homework, socializing with friends and family, game nights, paying bills. Maybe you also eat in your family room or use the space to exercise. Maybe your family room has a pile of mail on the coffee table, a stack of magazines that need reading, and a bin of kids’ toys? With so many functions, it’s no surprise that the family room is no longer used for a place to relax after a busy day.

By following a few simple rules, you can get your family room in shape in just a matter of a few hours.

Remove items that don’t belong. It’s easy for items to migrate to the family room where they are never to be found again! Gather the items that belong elsewhere in the home and return them to their rightful place. This is also a good time to find any trash (I’m talking to you, candy wrapper) or recycling (those old magazines) and dispose of them. After this step, you’re sure to already see an improvement in the space.

Consider how you use the space and make zones. Is your family room frequently used for entertainment? Or is it the primary space that your family gathers each day? Are parts of the family room used as a playroom, home office, or reading nook? By understanding how you use the family room, you can create zones with appropriate storage. For example, a coffee table can hold the books and magazines you’re currently reading. Bins on a shelf can hold toys or extra throw blankets.

Rethink the furniture layout. Chances are you have a couch, a few comfortable chairs, an area rug, a coffee table, a shelving unit, and other items in your family room. In my own home, we have a piano, a secretary desk, and a fireplace too! Make sure you’re maximizing your floor space by rethinking the layout of your furniture. Do you have too much (or not enough!) furniture? Does the furniture you have fulfill the needs of your space. Proper furniture placement will help you use the space as you intend.

Edit the décor. Do you travel and bring home souvenirs and display them in your family room? Do you have family photos on all the tables? Do you have knick-knacks taking up space? Take a few minutes and really take a look at your collections. Be sure to keep only what you enjoy and what is special to you.

Straighten up the room each evening. It sounds simple, it only takes a minute or two, but we often don’t do this step! Put the pillows back on the couch, put the remotes in the drawer, close up and put away the game, fold the throw blanket. Essentially, straighten up the room at the end of each day so in the morning, the space is organized and ready for use. 

Remember, part of keeping the family room organized is to prevent items that belong elsewhere from piling up over time. So, when you’re getting up from your couch, grab what doesn’t belong and return it to its rightful place. This 60 second exercise at the end of each day will make a dramatic difference in how much time you need to spend reorganizing the space each week. Then you’ll be able to sit down, relax, and enjoy your decluttered and organized family room every day!

One final tip…keep flat surfaces clutter free! Trust me. You’ll see the results immediately and it’s a quick, 30-second solution to maximize all the feels.