Why You Should Menu Plan

Why You Should Menu Plan

Learning to menu plan for the coming week can have a dramatic effect on your life. Believe me. I’m talking from experience. About 10 years ago, my husband and I started to menu plan. Although our exact process changed over time, the benefits were clear: grocery shopping only once per week; no more stress at dinner time trying to find something to cook; having all the ingredients in our home to cook a nutritious dinner; very little food going to waste because it wasn’t eaten. And my favorite benefit? Knowing that each night at dinner time, we could sit down as a family of 4 to enjoy a tasty dinner and actually talk to each other.

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10 Things You Should Throw Out of Your Fridge Right Now

10 Things You Should Throw Out of Your Fridge Right Now

It happens to all of us. We had a great idea for a dinner, then life got in the way, and the ingredients start to fester in the fridge. Or maybe we brought in dinner, and put the leftovers in the fridge, but no one has been around to finish them off. One of the keys to keeping your fridge organized is to eliminate the food we aren’t eating.

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