Questions to Ask Yourself When Decluttering or Downsizing

Have you recently decided that it’s time to downsize or maybe just get your home in order? You are not alone! There comes a time when we realize we don’t need to be taking care of a large home when only two people live in it. And what happens with all our stuff? Over time, we all accumulate so many items…we buy new sneakers but hold onto the old ones. We purchase a black t-shirt only to discover we already have six others. We bought a new kitchen appliance that we don’t like but we hold onto it “just in case.”

Now that you’re ready to downsize, it’s time to take a deep dive into all the items we have in our home and truly decide what it is we want to take with us. Taking the time to consider your new lifestyle (I’m going to golf but no longer ski, for example) will help you make some quick decisions. But others, like choosing which couch to bring or which rugs will be coming with you to your new home, can be difficult.

When working with our clients, Living. Simplified. spends time talking through each item, no matter how big or small, to help make the decision process easier. What questions do we ask? Here is a list to get you started:

  • Do I love it?

  • Why do I have it?

  • How often do I wear or use this?

  • Does it have value?

  • Will it fit in my new home?

  • Does it fit my new lifestyle?

  • Would I buy it again today?

  • Is it useful?

  • Is this item irreplaceable?

  • Is this worth the space it’s taking up?

  • Is it in good condition?

  • Do I have than one of these items?

  • How practical is this item?

  • Does it bring value to my life?

Remember, keep only what you love and find useful and get excited about moving to a smaller home that is easier to manage.

More Organizing Ideas

Need even more ideas on how to organize your home? Living. Simplified. is ready to help. Take a look at these blog posts or send us an email at and we can work together to reach your organizing and decluttering goals:

How to Organize Your Kitchen in 4 Easy Steps

How To Start Organizing Your Garage

8 Steps for Quick and Easy Menu Planning