8 Steps for Quick and Easy Menu Planning

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Do you find it difficult to manage your busy family and lifestyle while still trying to eat nutritious foods each day? Are you tired of spending money on takeout meals because you had nothing in the house to eat? You’re not alone.

Menu planning is here to save you time, money and energy. Menu planning doesn’t have to be difficult. Start by making a plan, seeing what works, and tweaking your system over time. Here are a few of my favorite tips to get you started on your meal planning journey:

Start by creating a list of your family’s favorite recipes. All families have a few favorites that are always on repeat. Be sure to keep a list and as you try new recipes, add them to your favorites.

Get the whole family involved. Ask them what they want to eat. Better yet, get them involved in the shopping and the cooking.

Keep your recipes organized. Whether you use an online system like Mealime or use a binder system with tabs for various types of food (meat, chicken, salads, vegetarian, etc.), having easy access to your recipes will make the menu planning and shopping list creating that much easier.

Plan a week of meals at one time. For my family, we gather on Sunday to decide what we are eating for dinner for the following week. One of us writes down the menu and posts it on the fridge. One of us creates the shopping list. One of us goes to the grocery store. One of us puts away the food. Knowing your “job” is really helpful.

Try theme nights. Want to simplify the menu planning even more? Then go for “meatless Mondays”, “taco Tuesdays”, “chicken Wednesdays” and so on.

Build leftovers into your meal planning. Do the kids have a late afternoon sports event? Maybe you’ve got a meeting? Doubling a recipe early in the week can make leftover night a breeze.

Keep your pantry stocked with the basics. You should always have a supply of shelf-stable foods on hand. Pasta, flour, salt and pepper, frequently used spices, grains, nuts, oil, and vinegar to name just a few.

Keep a running grocery list. While cooking dinner one night, did you run out of an item? Be sure to add it to your grocery list right away. You can keep your list on your computer or use the Living. Simplified. Meal Planning Chart for your menu planning and grocery list. That way everyone in your home can be responsible for keeping the list up to date.

Remember, be sure to plan in dinners out at restaurants, using leftovers, and freezer meals. Be flexible, so if plans change, your menu is able to change too! Be sure to download the Living. Simplified. Meal Planning Chart to help you on your meal planning journey! Bon appetit!