
Living Clutter-Free

Lauren believes that a clutter-free and organized home can help to foster peace of mind in other parts of our lives. The visual interference of an unorganized space can distract you from the things you really want to be doing . . . spending time with your family, your friends or your favorite hobbies. By creating systems in our homes that are accessible to all of us, we are able to stay organized, our home stays clutter-free and we get to spend more time doing what we love most.


Living. Simplified.

Lauren’s life-long passion for being organized and her love of helping others is what prompted her to start Living. Simplified. She enjoys helping friends, family and clients to find ways to simplify their homes and learn to find joy in the simple things.


Get to know Lauren

  • Has lived in the seacoast area of New Hampshire for over 25 years

  • Moved to Honolulu for just one year with a family of four!

  • Favorite hobbies include travel, cooking, reading, exercising, and hiking

  • Mom to two college students

  • Volunteering in local communities for over 18 years

  • Over 25 years of business management experience